Il Nuovo Diritto delle SocietàISSN 2039-6880
G. Giappichelli Editore


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Il contributo più grande dalla civiltà occidentale (di Somchai Bhawaworrapun. Lecturer and Legal Adviser of Shinawatra University, Thailand)

Il sapere è un potente strumento del genere umano, in quanto quest’ultimo ha a capacità di creare il sapere tramite l’apprendimento autodidattico e sviluppare ulteriormente il sapere per renderlo tecnologia e, quindi, produrre utensili e macchinari che implicano il miglioramento delle condizioni di vita. Gli antichi filosofi greci hanno sviluppato la conoscenza delle scienze matematiche più avanzate, che a partire dal XVI secolo è divenuta la fondazione dello sviluppo delle moderne scienze e della tecnologia. Insieme con la evoluzione sociale, il diritto è stato elaborato nel tempo in accordo con il contesto sociale.  

The Greatest Contribution from Western Civilization

Knowledge is the powerful tool of mankind because, man has ability to create the knowledge from skills of self-learning and develop knowledge to be technology to produce tools and equipment to improve quality of life. The ancient Greek philosophers had developed the knowledge of advanced mathematics which from the 16th century A.D. has become the foundation of the development of modern science and technology. Along with the social evolution, the law has been evolved over the time according to the social context.

1. The Great Dispensation to Mankind Since the beginning of industrialization in Europe at the end of the 18th century, there have been a lot of socials and economics impact on the world. The new technologies had been used to develop the efficiency of productions, transportations, and communications. Many civilizations such as ancient Mesopotamia, India and China had reached the advance form of civilization many thousand years before Europe. But Europe is the first one that can develop the advanced scientific knowledge and technology which are important to develop the production of industrialization. On the one hand, the industrialization has brought wealth and power to the countries. However, the transformation to industrial society is not an easy task. On the other hand, during the period of transformation, a lot of people have been suffered from this social change before they will achieve the good quality of life. A century after the industrial revolution, the middle class who is the new class of people, emerging from the industrialization has played an important role to improve the quality of life of people. As same as other animals, man has the basic life circle from birth to death which is to learn how to live, to survive, to escape from dangerous situations and to reproduce another generation. The life circle of animal begins after birth, the mother will raise her baby, protect it from danger and teach it how to live, survive, hunt and flee from danger. When the time has come, nature will teach the animal to reproduce. And also when the time has come, the animal will die.  This is the life cycle of most animals since the existence of animals on earth. The big difference between man and other animal is man has nature of self learning which helps mankind has much better ability than other animals. Man has two different natural body compositions. The first one is that man has a stronger pelvis. This helps man to stand up erectly, walk by two feet steadily without the need to use two hands to balance the body [1]. Unlike the other animals, this enables man to have his nature to see, to think, and to work by two hands for a long time. The other is that man has a larger brain in comparison to the brain size in the body of large animals. Besides to use the brain to control different part of the body, there is ample space for memory storage, as well as analyzing incoming information, and making decisions in response to current situation. This process helps man to learn from everything around him, create the knowledge and accumulate the knowledge better than the other living things. And most importantly, man inherits accumulated knowledge from previous generations to use in the present generation and pass it onto the next generation with added accumulated knowledge. With the larger brain, man has these following abilities better than the other animal; 1) To [continua..]

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